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Project Cycle Management (PCM)


CBSG brings hands on expertise to the services of NGOs and donors to assist them in the effective use of project cycle management. It brings result-based management (RBM) tools and methodologies in the planning and performance tracking of development programmes. Computerization is an added feature of its performance tracking system. It also provides professional support to NGOs and donors for appraisal and review of project.

Project Design and Proposal Writing

CBSG provides specialist services to help NGOs and Donors design development projects in health, education, economic development, rural development, governance improvement and so on. We play the role of a facilitator in the design process where all stakeholders, in particular the implementing agencies, play the anchor role.

Project Appraisal

We conduct project appraisal for donors and development partners. We look at the relevance, feasibility and sustainability of the project while appraising a project. CBSG has strong professional competencies to conduct project and program appraisal in social and livelihood sectors.

Project Implementation Planning

CBSG has strong expertise in conceptualizing a project document into an operational plan, commonly called as Project Implementation Plan (PIP). It uses Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) and spells out expected results, performance indicators, and implementations methods, and pin points responsibility centers / positions, timeframe and reporting structures. The PIP document works as a guide for project implementation, monitoring and reporting on results.

Project Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are integral parts of Project Cycle Management. CBSG has hands on experience on project evaluation, output to purpose review and impact evaluation. CBSG uses both formative and review approaches for project and program evaluation while considering relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact both at project design and implementation.

Completed Assignment List

Year Assignment Name Contacting Agency Contact Details
2021 Supporting Host and Rohingya Communities (SHRC) Project of GIZ implemented by BRAC, ICCO and Sushilon GIZ (German Overseas Technical Assistance) Alexander Betz, Head of Programme, GIZ Email: [email protected]
2019 Mid-Term Evaluation of Safe Acqua Fish and Trade Improvement (SAFETI) project of Winrock International Winrock International, USA for US Department of Agriculture (USDA) John A Dorr, Chief of Party Email: [email protected]
2019 End-line Evaluation of Worker Empowerment and Advocacy in the RMG Sector (WEARS) project BLAST for CNA Foundation, Netherlands Mr. Toyabur Rahman Deputy Director (Program) BLAST Email: [email protected]
2018 SHARIQUE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Project ECORYS UK LIMITED Kay Lau, Senior Manager, ECORYS UK LIMITED Email: [email protected]
2017 Paola Fabbri Trainer Consultant Email: [email protected] MDF Training & Consultancy BV, Netherlands Irma Ilpenidze, Program Officer [email protected]
2017 Evaluation Dutch Investment Program in Bangladesh Private Sector MDF, Netherlands Paola Fabbri Trainer Consultant Email: [email protected]
2017 Evaluation of Dhaka Community Based Rehabilitation Project The Leprosy Mission International Bangladesh (TLMIB) John A Samaddar Program Leader Email: [email protected]
2017 Assessment of 4 Partner NGOs programmatic performance for NGO Health Services Delivery Project (NHSDP) NHSDP – Pathfinders International, USA Shiril Sarkar DCOP – Finance & Operations [email protected]
2016 Public Service International (PSI/PSOM) Impact Evaluation on Bangladesh Investment MDF, Netherlands Mr. Mike Zuijderduijn Managing Director [email protected] MDF
2016 Baseline Survey Assessment on RMG industries by Fair Wear Foundation (FWF-FNV-CNV) MDF, Netherlands Irma Alpendze [email protected] Evaluator
2015 Final Evaluation of NICHE – 121- BIDG/BRAC University and BPATC MDF Netherlands, Nuffic Project Mr. Mike Zuijderduijn Managing Director [email protected] MDF
2014 Final Evaluation of DRL project, implemented by Solidarity Center of Department of State, USA American Solidarity Center for US Department of Labor Suson Alonzo, Country Director, Solidarity Center, USA [email protected]
2014 Assessment of NIPORT’ sexual and reproductive health training programme NIPORT MDF Netherlands Mr. Mike Zuijderduijn Managing Director [email protected] MDF
2014 Mid-term Governance Performance Monitoring and evaluation of Sharique III programme, of SDC Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Alip Kumar Das MEL Manager [email protected]
2014 End evaluation of ‘Capacity Building for Promoting Governance’ Project with BPATC MDF, Netherlands Email Martien Van Asseldonk, Project Coordinator MDF: [email protected]
2013 Final Evaluation of Chittagong Leprosy Control programme of TLM,I TLM-Chittagong/ Leprosy Mission New Zealand Jhon A Samaddar, Director [email protected]
2011 Mid-term Evaluation of Chittagong Hill Tract Project TLM- Chittagong Jhon A Samaddar, Director [email protected]
2011 Project Operation Plan (POP) preparation- for Bangladesh Mohila Parishad DANIDA Mahal Aminuzzaman, Advisor [email protected]
2010 Final evaluation and process documentation for Combat Trafficking in Persons through Community Mobilization Rights Jessore, Bangladesh a project of DANIDA Binoy Krishna Mallick, Executive Director: Email: [email protected]
2010 Terminal Evaluation of Reproductive Health Project of CORDAID for 2009 and 2010 (VARD) CORDAID - Netherlands Mr. Amranul Hoque Kamal, Executive Director Email: [email protected]
2010 Community based Monitoring on Local Level Health Services Delivery for UN-MDG Campaign Program Manusher Jonno Foundation Shaheen Anam, Executive Director [email protected]
2010 Project Monitoring and Evaluation system development of food security project- EU funded project ESDO-Ministry of Agriculture, GOB Atal Mazumdar, Project Coordinator Atal@esdobd-org
2009 Impact Assessment of Manusher Jonno Programme - Phase one project with University of Arizona MJF Zubair Ali Khan, M&E Director, MJF [email protected]
2008 Review and analysis of the Pourashava Development Plan (PDP) Process in Bangladesh German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Alexandar Jachnow Urban Sector Lead [email protected]
2008 Mid-term review of EC funded health project and voucher scheme Marie Stopes, UK office Dr. Mobarak Hossian Director, Health [email protected]
2008 Mid-term evaluation of Safe Migration Facilitation Project of BRAC Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) Khandaker Rezwanul Karim, Programme Manager, MJF Email: [email protected]
2007 Develop the Project Implementation Plan (PIP) for Prevention & Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking in Bangladesh Project International Organisation of Migration Aiko Kikkawa, Officer in Charge [email protected]
2007 Second Assessment of Public Awareness about Wetland Resources, MACH-ISF Winrock International, USA Paul Thompson, Lead Person [email protected]
2006 Review and revise existing training modules on Groundnut and potato for KATALYST Agro-export project Swiss Contact Prashant Rana, General Manager Business development [email protected]
2006 Mid-term evaluation of Manusher Jonno Partners implemented by Nagorik Uddyog Manusher Jonno Foundation Ruma Sultana, MJF [email protected]
2006 Evaluation of Networking and Advocacy for Child Rights in Bangladesh (NACR) project Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum Mr. A Y M Mossaraf Hossain, Director [email protected]
2006 Appraising the project proposal of “Prevention of Trafficking in Children and Women and Protection of Victims of Trafficking in Bangladesh” project by IOM DANIDA Hans Hoffmeyer, Senior Adviser [email protected]
2006 Review of CFSD’s Civil Society Formulation Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Dora Rapold, Ambassador [email protected]
2006 Final Evaluation of LPUPAP project of LGED supported by DfID – 100 million Pound project. UNDP Md. Anisuzzaman, Deputy Director. [email protected]
2005 Review of proposed revised project proposal of Strengthening Women’s Rights & Representation in Local Government (SWRRLG) Nari Uddug Kendra/Manusher Jonno Foundation Jafrul Hasam Sarif, Program Manager [email protected]
2005 Evaluate and review all aspects of programmes strengths and weakness, measure results and impacts to assess the management capacity of NETZ DANIDA Shireen Huq, Deputy Program Coordinator [email protected]
2005 Final Evaluation of UNDP’s livelihood project LPUPAP UNDP Masud Ahamed, Human Resources Officer [email protected]
2004 Midterm Evaluation of Manusher Jonno Partners Projects on Workers’ Rights Manusher Jonno Foundation Jafrul Hasan Sharif, Program Manager, Rights, MJF [email protected]
2004 Development of Project Implementation Plan (ACD) Association for Community Development (ACD) Salima Sarwar, Director [email protected]
2004 Impact study and lessons learnt of livelihood and agricultural project LIFE-NOPEST project/Care Bangladesh Mahbub Alam, Project lead [email protected]
2003 Mid-trem Evaluation of SHABGE – RLP project of CARE Bangladesh CARE International Abdul Wadud, M&E Manager [email protected]

Recent Assignments

  • October 2023 to January 2024
    Contract with Abt Associates

    Baseline Survey of FTF Bangladesh Nutrition Activity (BNA) project of USAID in 8 Districts in Bangladesh

  • November -2023 February 2024
    Contract with Asia Foundation

    Capacity strengthening of 14 selected partners of the South Asia Governance Program (SAGP) funded by the US Department of States

  • August - November 2023
    Contract with Abt Associates. USA

    Annual Performance Study of Bangladesh Feed the Future Nutrition Activity funded by USAID

  • August 2023 - January 2024
    Contract with Winrock International

    Pre-Baseline Activity and Baseline Study of Bangladesh Program to End Modern Slavery (B-PEMS)

  • Contract with PLAN International (Canada & Bangladesh)

    Endline Evaluation of Combatting Early Marriage Bangladesh (CEMB) project in Bangladesh implemented in two districts - Vhola and Jhalokathi. The project targets 140,000 adolescents, of them 56.6% are girls.

  • Contract with ACDI VOCA for USDA project evaluation in the Philippines

    Final Evaluation of the Philippine Coffee and Farm Enterprise (PhilCAFE) project in the Philippines. The project is funded by USDA and implemented in three provinces - Mindanao, Lozan and Visyas.

  • June - November 2023
    Contract with ACDI VOCA

    Final Evaluation of Philippine Coffee Advancement and Farm Enterprise (PhilCAFE) project in the Philippines

  • June - September 2023
    Contract with PLAN International

    Endline Evaluation of Combatting Early Marriage in Bangladesh (CEMB) project.

  • March-October 2023
    Contract Winrock International for Baseline Evaluation of RAIN project in Thailand

    Baseline Evaluation of USDA-supported Regional Agriculture Innovative Network (RAIN) project in Thailand. A mixed methods study with counterfactual groups. The baseline evaluation includes 6 value chain agricultural products such as Rice, Mangosteen, Cassava, Longan, Coconut, and Durian is grown across 11 provinces in Thailand.

  • December 2022 - June 2023
    Framework contract with Landesa, USA for Mixed Methods study in Bangladesh

    Mixed methods study in Bangladesh for the - Equal Stake in the Soil - Project of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Campaign

  • September 2022 - December 2022
    Contract with ICF Macro, USA

    RMG Supply Chain study for US Department of Labor

  • July - December 2022
    Contract with Winrock International, USA

    Final Evaluation of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) supported SAFETI project in Bangladesh in Association with Athena Infonomics

  • December 2021 - February 2022
    Contract with Manusher Jonno Foundation

    Review of the Rights of the Ethnic People theme of the EPR project

  • December 2021 - April 2022
    Contract with MDF Netherlands

    Evaluation of Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Director Department for Sustainable Economic Development.

  • September 2021 - December 2022
    Contract with ICF (USAID Global Office for a multi-country study on High Impact Practices in M&E fo

    USAID Global project - a multi-country study on Evaluation High Impact Practices (HIP) of FP Service Delivery in USAID projects implemented by Chemonics, PathFinders, SCF and SMC in Bangladesh

  • August 2021 - February 2022
    Contract with Asia Foundation

    Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of South Asia Governance Program (SAGP) grantee organizations in Bangladesh

  • August - November 2021
    Contract with Abt Associates

    Annual Performance Survey FY 2021 for USAID funded Bangladesh Nutrition Activity (BNA) Project in Zone of Influence -three districts

  • May-June 2020
    Contract with GIZ

    Project Operational Manual Development - HELVETAS-ICCO-SUSHILON

  • March-April 2021
    Contract with NACOM for USAID local works project

    Capacity Needs Assessment of NACOM and Update and=or develop organisational policies

  • December 2020-February 2021
    Contract with GIZ for project Evaluation

    Phase-end evaluation of SHRC project implemented by BRAC and ICCO

  • November 2020 - February 2021
    Contract with UNI GLOBAL for a Multi-Country Study

    Mapping and Labour compliance Study of IFI project in South Asian Countries

  • September-December 2020
    Contract with DIAKONIA Project Partners

    Strategic Plan Facilitation and Documentation for four partners

  • September-October 2020
    Contract with PLAN-Awaj

    COVID-19 and Women Empowerment in the RMG sector in Bangladesh

  • August-December 2020
    Contract with Abt Associates

    USAID supported BNA Baseline Survey in COX-Bazar District

  • August 2020- January,2021
    Contract with Abt Associates

    Annual Performance Survey: BNA FY 2020 in Zone of Influence (ZOI)

  • August-December 2020
    Contract with ACDI-VOCA

    Annual Performance Study USAID-RDC project

  • July - September 2020
    Contract with Helvetas

    Country Strategy Studies for SDC

  • September 2019 - March 2020
    Contract with ALRD

    Facilitate Organisational Strategic Plan Process 2021 - 25

  • October - December 2019
    Contract with Abt Associates

    USAID BNA baseline survey (1st baseline) on Food Security, Health and Women Empowerment

  • September - November 2019
    Contract with ALRD

    Strategic Planning 2020 to 2025 Conducting regional and central level workshops including documentation

  • August - October 2019
    Contract with Winrock International

    Impact Survey and Mid-term Evaluation of SAFETI Project

  • 15 April to 30 May 2019
    Contract with ICF-Macro, USA

    Remote and advance level data analysis support for a Media Survey conducted in central American country Honduras

  • March – May 2019
    Contract with Blast

    Final Evaluation of Workers’ Empowerment and Advocacy in the RMG Sectors (WEARS) Project

  • February - June 2019
    Contract with Profundo - Netherlands

    Conduct Labour Compliance study on Dhaka Metro Rail Project in association with Building Wood-workers International (BWI) affiliates in Bangladesh

  • January-May 2019
    Contract with Simavi, Netherlands

    RiTU Midline Survey in 149 Schools of Netrokona District

  • December 2018 - February 2019
    Contract with RJ for GFEMS

    Beneficiary Vulnerability Analysis and Engagement of CSE and CSEC 

  • October 2014-March 2017
    Contract with Winrock International

    Organizational Development and M&E Capacity Building of BCTIP project partners

  • October 2018 - January 2019
    Contract with Chance Swiss

    Assessment of the Extent of Protection of Rohinga Refugee Children in Ukhia and Teknaf Camps

  • August - December 2018
    Contract with Chemonics International Inc., USAID

    Conduct Satellite Spot Assessment of Smiling Sun Network.

  • October 2018 - February 2019
    Functionality and Sustainability Assessment of CSPs

    USAID`s AUHC project

  • May - August 2018
    Contract with Ecorys, UK

    Conduct impact assessment survey for Sharique project.

  • May - September 2018
    Contract with Start Fund Bangladesh (SFB)

    Conduct nationwide CSO mapping for emergency response.

  • January - March 2018
    Contract with Nutrition International (NI), Canada

    Conducting 6 Policy Dialogue Workshop on Salt Iodization at District level.

  • January 2018 - December 2019
    Contract with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation

    Third Party Monitoring and Periodical Surveys for Sharique Phase-IV Program.

  • May - September 2017
    Contract with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation

    Baseline Study of Sharique Phase-IV Project.

  • May - August 2017
    Contract with Pathfinder International, USA

    Capacity Assesment of 24 SH-NGOs.

  • April - September 2017
    Contract with ICF, USA

    FBS Users' Experience Study of Facebook Inc.,USA.

  • April 2017 - September 2017
    Contract with FNV, Netherland

    Household Survey on Livelihood Situation of family Garment's Workers.

  • February - March 2017
    Contract with Micronutrents Initiatives

    Policy Dialogue Workshop on Universsal Salt Iodization 6 Districts.

  • January - March 2017
    Contract with Stiching Simavi (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), The Netherlands

    Baseline Survey at Netrokona District.

  • November 2016 - December 2017
    Contract with ICT Division, MPTIT

    Professional Outsourcing Training and employment service.

  • August - December 2016
    Contract with Maxwell Stamps/UkAid

    Endline Perception Study of Community Legal Services (CLS) Programme

  • July 2016 - December 2017
    Contract With FNV Netherlands

    Contract With FNV Netherland. Conduct Study On Precarious Workers in all Five GUFs.

  • March - July 2016
    Contract with Fred Hollows Foundation

    (KAP) Survey and Gender Analysis in Barisal Division for SiB Project of Standard Chartered Bank

  • February - May 2016
    Contract with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation

    Satisfaction Assessment of SDC's local governance project Sharique III

  • January - September 2016
    Contract with SOMO Netherlands

    Study on adult wages in the export-oriented garment industry and the relation with child labour and education

  • January - February 2016
    Contract with RTI International

    Mapping of Capacity Building Institutions in Bangladesh under USAID's Asia Support Services for Local Solutions

  • December 2015 - February 2016
    Contract with Development Alternatives Incorporated, USA

    Performance Management System Implementation, and conduct a Salary Survey

  • November - December 2014
    Contract with American Solidarity Center

    Evaluation of RMG sector project of US Department of State - DRL project

  • April 2014 - June 2017
    Contract with Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)

    Capacity Assessment and Capacity Buildning planning of USAID's Agricultral Value Chain (AVC) Project partners

  • April - June 2014
    Contract with IndustriALL Regional Office, Delhi

    Mapping on organizing RMG workers in Bangladesh (Dhaka city and surroundings)

  • March 2014 - June 2017
    Contract with Agro-inputs project, CNFA/USAID

    Organizational Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development of USAID supported Agro Inputs Project (AIP)

  • November 2013 - June 2017
    Contract with Winrock International under CREL/USAID

    Organizational Capacity Assessment for 18 potential partner NGOs of CREL project

  • Septemeber 2013 - February 2014
    Contract with SDF for World Bank Project

    Capacity Building of Nuton Jibon Project Staff - Strategic Capacity development plan plan, Staff skill development etc.

  • July - November 2013
    Contract with JICA Project Team rep by PADECO Co. Ltd.

    Action Research for Collaboration Between CBO and Comilla City Corporation

  • July - December 2013
    Contract with MDF Netherlands

  • April 2012 - January 2013
    Contract with Chemonics Inc, USA

    Capacity Strengthening of 26 SSFP network NGOs

  • July 2009 - March 2014
    Contract with Aga Khan Foundation/CIDA

    Organizational Development of four civil society organizations

  • View More

    How We Serve

    Organizational Development (OD)

    Organizational development (OD) is a field focused o... Read more

    Research & Survey (R&S)

    Research and survey are very effective tools as well... Read more

    Training & Facilitation (T&F)

    CBSG considers professional development an integral ... Read more

    Project Cycle Management (PCM)

    CBSG brings hands on expertise to the services of NG... Read more


    We provide hands on practical training and real life... Read more

    Ongoing Projects

  • Contract with Asia Foundation

  • Contract with Abt Associates. USA

  • Contract with PLAN International (Canada & Bangladesh)

  • Contract with ACDI VOCA for USDA project evaluation in the Philippines

  • Contract Winrock International for Baseline Evaluation of RAIN project in Thailand

  • Framework contract with Landesa, USA for Mixed Methods study in Bangladesh