Our Recent Activities

Baseline Evaluation of RAIN Project, Thailand

CBSG implements the baseline evaluation of the RAIN project. The project identifies, validates, scales, and shares Climate Smart Innovations and practices for six value chain commodities—rice, cassava, mangosteen, longan, coconut, and durian—in eleven provinces in Thailand. The quasi-experimental mixed-method evaluation includes a beneficiary-based survey, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews with smallholder farmers and key stakeholder interviews. Thailand RAIN is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture Food for Progress Program. It is implemented by Winrock International in partnership with Michigan State University.

Mixed Methods study with Landesa and ALRD

Baseline 2023

Organizational Capacity Assessment of Asia Foundation Grantees

Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of 25 NGOs / think tank under South Asia Governance Program of Asia Foundation

Annual Performance Survey USAID funded BNA project

This survey is being carried-out for the third consecutive years

Phase-end evaluation of SHRC project

Field visit of Phase-end evaluation of SHRC project implemented by BRAC, ICCO, and Shushilan

Annual Performance Study USAID-BNA, 2020

Training has been arranged at W.V.A for 5 days.

Annual Performance Study USAID-RDC project.

RDC Field Testing at Jhenaidha and Magura root, Jessore

Annual Performance Study USAID-RDC project.

Tool and Tab based training cum Quiz Session.

Annual Performance Study USAID-RDC project.

Contract with ACDI-VOCA to conduct Annual Performance Study supported by USAID-RDC project. This study started in August 2020 and will continue till December,2020.

Facilitate Organisational Strategic Plan Process

Contract with ALRD to Facilitate Organisational Strategic Plan Process. This study started in September 2019 and will continue till March 2020

Baseline Survey of Feed The Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity (BNA) Project

The project targets women at their reproductive age and children under 5 to improve their nutrition, sanitation and hygiene conditions. This study started in October 2019 and will continue till December 2019.

Mid-term Evaluation of Safe Aqua Farming for Economic and Trade Improvement (SAFETI) Project

This study is conducted to assess the effectiveness of programmatic approaches of SAFETI activities on the project, and intends to address critical issues constraining productivity, farm incomes, and trade and food safety across the freshwater prawn (golda) and black tiger shrimp (bagda) value chains in Bangladesh. This study started in August 2019 and will continue till October 2019.

Country Strategy Reporting-2019 of Local Governance Project Sharique-IV

This activity was conducted as part of long-term monitoring contract with Swiss Intercooperation- Helvetas. This is a longitudinal study, 4th of five intervention that begun in January 2018 and will be completed in December 2019.

Final Evaluation of Workers’ Empowerment and Advocacy in the RMG Sectors (WEARS) Project - Blast

The study is conducted to evaluate the Workers’ Empowerment and Advocacy in the RMG Sectors (WEARS). This study started in March 2019 and will continue till May 2019.

Labour Compliance assessment -Profoundo

The study is conducted to assess the Labour Compliance in Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development (Metro Rail Line-6). The study started in February 2019 and will continue till March 2019.

RiTU Midline Survey- Simavi, Netherlands

This study will establish a comparable midline benchmark of current knowledge, attitude and practices of school girls (age between 12-15 years) menstrual management vis-à-vis their school performance. The sample respondent has been pre-identified during 2017 baseline survey. This midline survey is intended to be administered over 3,881 girls aged between 12 and 15 years, in selected 7 Upazilas of Netrokona district spread over 149 secondary schools. The study begun in January 2019 and will continue till May 2019.

Annual Monitoring Survey of local governance project of Sharique

This activity was conducted as part of long-term monitoring contract with Swiss Intercooperation- Helvetas. This is a longitudinal study, 3rd of five intervention that begun in January 2018 and will be completed in December 2019.

Satellite Spot Assessment of Surjer Hasi Network - Chemonics Inc.

This assessment was carried-out Largest Health Service Delivery project of USAID Bangladesh flagship project - over 10,000 satellite spot of smiling sun clinics in 63 districts of Bangladesh. The study was conceptualized in May 2018 and completed in January 2019.

Vulnerability Analysis of CSE and CSEC for RJ and GFEMS

This scoping study is conducted to analyse the vulnerable factors of women and children of commercial sexual exploitation victims. The study begun in December 2018 and will continue till February 2019.